

SMEB is an "art product" that invites value-based action into the discourse and questions the promises of self-care consumer goods in our society.


- Consuming vibrant water and experiencing wholeness -

SMEB stands for Spirit, Mind, Emotion and Body - through unique consumption, purification, renewal and salvation occur, the dissolution of separateness and the arrival in living wholeness.

“We have lost our awareness of the larger context of being human- How can we restore this in a world that is becoming increasingly complex ?”

SMEB is an "art product" that invites value-based action into the discourse and questions the promises of self-care consumer goods in our society.

As the artist collective HOIHOI, Julia and Mona explore the basic human need for living connection. With their work SMEB they ask themselves to what extent the unconscious consumption of products, influences the understanding of one's own value and the potential of faith and religion in our society has lost its value.

Consuming SMEB leads to an open discourse on believe and leading values in our society, its a invitation to investigate how postmodern faith could be shaped and lived in future.